Book of Mormon: Alma 32-35

ALMA 32-35

The Come, Follow Me Book of Mormon curriculum in, Alma 32-35 is packed full of important principles.  Alma 32 is one of the best chapters in all of scripture when learning about what faith is.  Alma relates faith to a seed and teaches us how we nourish and grow that seed.  Also, in these chapters, the people of Ammon continue to set the perfect example of righteousness when they unflinchingly accept the humble Zoramite refugees.  We also learn important principles about repentance and that we should not delay our repentance from Alma 32-35.

The Book of Mormon is a book literally written for our day.  So many parallels between this exact point in time can be found in the Book of Mormon.  Now more important than ever, an in-depth study of the Book of Mormon is required to help us see through the current-day haze and recognize and fight against the clever and deceitful designs of Satan. Today we are seeing good being called evil and evil being called good.

The Red Headed Hostess specialize in helping you study your scriptures in-depth. Additionally helping to assist you in your family efforts with Come, Follow Me.  With over 10 years in business and with a staff of current and retired full-time seminary and institute teachers, you can be sure that you are getting quality material for your personal scripture study and great tools for your entire family.  Our weekly kits coincide with the Come, Follow Me Book of Mormon schedule from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  Our kits are based on the Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families manual  but because our kits have things for all ages, from adults to young children, they are also popular among Sunday School, Gospel Doctrine, and Primary teachers.




Our Study Pages in each kit are what we provide to help you in your personal scripture study so you can study the assigned chapters in the curriculum in-depth.  These pages are the foundation of every kit and are by far our most popular item in each kit.  These are for adults and teens.  When you study these pages, you will become an expert on the chapters so you can confidently teach your family.  They will also help you decide which of the many activities in the kit to focus on with your family based on your family’s individual needs.

We recommend that you use these Study Pages each week for your study.  They come with scripture marking suggestions, commentary, quotes, insights, and tips.  Also, the discussion questions provided are great to engage your family or class in a meaningful discussion.  There are many “push play” options out there for Come, Follow Me and there are places for such items. But nothing can sufficiently replace getting your nose in the scriptures, putting in the effort, gaining your own insights, and doing an in-depth study.  This is where we can help you and it starts with our Study Pages.


After you have studied the Study Pages, we then provide tools to help you teach your family.  These tools include things for older and younger children.  Teens will also be interested in many of these items, though teens should be mostly in the Study Pages for their study.  Each Activity Pages’ file in each kit has things you will see each week and things that are unique to each kit so that there are always new things to engage and help you teach your children.

Some of the popular items that you will see each week are the Bedtime Stories, Collectible Cards, Scripture Marking Guides, Scripture Glue-Ins, Coloring Pages, Doctrinal Quizzes, and more.  Each week, there are more items than you will have time to complete and that is by design.  The intent is to pick and choose the items you think are best for your family and to print only those items.  We want to provide you with options so that we don’t decide what your family learns or does for Come, Follow Me.  We want to give parents the ability to make that decision based on what they think their family needs.


Sometimes you don’t have lots of time to put into preparation for your Come, Follow Me.  We have provided some tools to help you during those times that will still help you have an effective Come, Follow Me study.  For example, the Bedtime Stories is one of those items.  Print these at the start of the week and keep them as part of your bedtime routine or as part of your dedicated family study time.  These have illustrations with simple-to-understand captions that young children can follow.   They also provide discussion questions for older and younger children you can use to spark a great discussion.  These lessons can be used by themselves as a quick and easy 5-minute option or they can be used with other activities in the kit as part of a larger study when you have more time.


Another print-and-go option is our Scripture Marking Guide for kids.  If your child can read, then they can do these marking guides.  They get your child into their actual scriptures and teach doctrine, principles, study/marking techniques, and other study skills that will be used throughout your child’s life.  Just print the guide, give your child their scriptures, and let them work on it while you make breakfast or lunch.


Another option that has become very popular among our subscribers is our Collectible Cards.  Each card has an illustration on the front and questions on the back.  Answering the questions on the back earns your child the card.  The questions can usually be found and answered in the Bedtime Stories.  These print the same size as regular trading cards so you can keep them in clear trading card sleeves.  As your child fills up a sheet, you can give them a prize or reward.  These can create excitement for Come, Follow Me as they add to their collection and earn rewards along the way.


There are two options available to get our weekly kits:  Individual purchase as needed or our subscription. The subscription is the most popular because it offers a considerable savings.  Each kit if purchased individually  is $4.00 each or if you subscribe for $10.00 a month. For $10.00 a month, the average price per kit goes down to $2.50 each. Click the image below to read about how our subscription works and the differences between that vs. buying individually.


There are two options available to get our weekly kits:  Individual purchase as needed or our subscription. The subscription is the most popular because it offers a considerable savings.  Each kit if purchased individually  is $4.00 each or if you subscribe for $10.00 a month, it gets the average price per kit down to $2.50 each.  Click the image below to read about how our subscription works and about the differences between that vs. buying individually.


There are two options available to get our weekly kits:  Individual purchase as needed or our subscription.  The subscription is the most popular because it offers a considerable savings.  Each kit if purchased individually  is $4.00 each or if you subscribe for $10.00 a month, it gets the average price per kit down to $2.50 each.  Click the image below to read about how our subscription works and about the differences between that vs. buying individually.

  1. Download the Study Pages file and the Activity pages file by logging into your account.
  2. Study the Study Pages with your scriptures. These are the foundation of each kit and will give you an in-depth understanding of the chapters and commentary that is applicable today.
  3. Pick some items from the Activity Pages to use with your family. The first pages of the PDF are instructions with pictures to help you decide what you want to print and use.


We have an entire section in our subscription dedicated to bonuses.  These are popular files that would need to be purchased individually that we give to our subscribers for free!  Printable booklets about various topics, page titles, and things for General Conference are examples of bonuses we have already done.

One bonus we offer for free is a streaming video series called “Drawn In” by David Bowman.  This is a great supplement to your in-depth study.  We watch them on Sundays after we have been studying the chapters as a family the prior week.  Because of our main Study, these videos help bring to life what our kids have learned earlier. They are able to easily follow and know what is in the video.  These are great for the entire family.  Click the image below to learn more about “Drawn In.”

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